Saturday, October 8, 2011


An iMovie Hero

Since month one of the EMDT program, I have been working in iMovie.  I am no expert by far but thought I was doing pretty well muddling my way through the software.  After watching the tutorials on, half way through I realized I am nothing but a minnow in a pond full of giant bass.  Feedback from my previous videos suggested fixing my audio, and watching my transitions so I don’t cut myself off.  I feel like this month is just full of ah-ha moments.  A GREEN SCREEN??? Are you serious? I can’t wait to play with that option but for now I felt it best if I start small and work my way up to the Academy Award for Special Effects.  Especially since I have yet to work out the details of my acceptance speech.

Instead I tackled a short film with footage from my stepson’s basketball game.  The footage was shot from my husband’s phone since I came up with the brilliant idea to make a movie about the game after we left the house and the video camera at the house.  

The thing I love about iMovie is that it is so easy.  With a few clicks, some drag and drops and you have a movie.  Could it get any easier than that?  Though I don’t like the video footage that was not iMovie’s fault that is what you get when you shoot with a cell phone.  What I do know is that my son thinks it is “ OMG, that is SOOOO cool!”  So no matter what the end result is- he feels like a movie star and I feel like the coolest mom in the world.  


  1. If imovie can make us heros...nuf said! I love that you shared the lead actor's comments and that he felt like a movie star. I also thought your text was hilarious! Thanks Rebecca.

  2. This was such a cute idea to use a video clip of your son's basketball game. It's amazing what iMovie can make of a person! Loved it!

  3. Nicely done! I will have to contact you when I need some movie trailers set up for my classroom and some of their adventures. The sound and video looked just fine to me and everything seemed to work very well. There were no cut-off segments or anything like that.
