Saturday, October 15, 2011


As I stated in PE4-Teacherweb, I had to find a work around for Lori to be able to blog with her students. She really wanted to have a blog page for each of her students. After some research, I came across was created by educators, which appealed to me since student safety was important to me.

Kidblog is extremely user friendly and the steps were very easy in order to set up an account and classroom.  I added all 22 students and provided each with a password.  I set the account settings so that only classmates can read the blogs, again a nice feature in keeping students safe.  A guest account can be set-up so parents can be given a generic log in and password to be able to read student blog entries.

One element of kidblog that I find lacking is that there are only a few themes to choose from. However, some real pluses of the site is the features that it offers when blogging. Students can add pictures, movies, and audio. I can’t wait to see what the students produce. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that this vision is finally becoming a reality. In our practice run last week 19 blogs were posted an 97 comments were received! I think this may work!
